Monday, September 12, 2011

Can We Travel In Time?

Can we travel in time? Well there are many theories on this from yes we can we just need the right equipment to its completely impossible and it will never happen. Scientist has proved that gravitational pull slows down clocks. So think about it like this, on earth your clock is moving one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi but an astronaut’s watch in space will move at double that speed. That is pretty crazy to think about that no one's time is the same at different elevations. So to get to the question can we travel in time? Scientist believes that if we travel at the speed of light we could make this happen. When you travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) time slows down. Scientist have said that if leave earth going the speed of light for one year that when you return to earth it would be 20 years later while you only aged one year. This happens because of Einstein’s theory of relativity. This theory is that time is relative to one person. Lets use the leaving the earth example. If Tom and Bill are both 20 years old and Tom leaves on a spaceship and travels at the speed of light for a year. It would feel like a year to both of them but Tom would return to earth and Bill would have aged 20 years to his 1 year. This happens because Tom’s clock moves slower than Bill’s because time slows down when traveling at the speed of light. The theory of relativity kicks in at while Tom is traveling at the speed of light it still feels like a year to him but what he does not notice is that his clock has slowed down. But to finalize the crazy thought of traveling in time is that we will never know until we are able to travel at the speed of light.

1 comment:

  1. This really caught my attention because I read an article about how we could in fact travel forward in time by traveling at the speed of light, but the article said that the only problem was there is no way of going back. You can travel forward at the speed of light, but you can't go backwards at the speed of light.
