Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Falling Satellite?!?!

NASA has reported that the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, will be plummeting to Earth in the next couple of days. This make it the largest satellite in thirty years to crash into Earth. NASA suspects the bus size satellite will crash into earth sometime Friday. The chances of any debris hitting anyone, anywhere is a 1-in-3200 chance because earth is mainly covered with ocean or unpopulated areas which makes the chances very low. But the chances that you will get hit is a completely different statistic of 1-in-several trillion. They say that the risk is very modest because the chances are very low. The Bus size satellite was a 750 million dollar research satellite that was launched in 1991 to study the ozone layer and earth upper atmostsphere. It was only suppose to last for three years but outlived that and was finally decommissioned in 2005.

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