Sunday, October 16, 2011

Space Robot Gas Attendents

There are many satellites laughed into space to orbit earth for a specific job task. but after a couple of years they decommission because it has run out of fuel. Two companies are figuring out a way to give these out-of-commision million dollar satellites a second chance. The Canadian Company MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.(MDA) are manufacturing a satellite that will be not only be able to refuel other satellites but also repair, tow, and inspect. This satellite will orbit around and attach itself to another satellite by a paying customer. the attaching process could take weeks but once attached repairing, towing, inspecting and refueling could take just days. this is an amazing invention because this changes the face of technology in satellites. When a company designs a satellite they have to decide what is able to go in it because of how much fuel it uses.  But since their will be a satellite that ability to refuel it then it changes the amount of technology going into the designs of new satellites. But in business there is always competition and the competition is Vivisat. Vivisat is designing a mission extension vehicle(MEV) which docks onto a satellite but instead of transferring fuel it uses its own thrusters to keep the satellite working. Vivisat says that this is less of a risk then MDA satellite. These are of course great ideas because they save companies millions of dollars by preventing them to buy another satellite and it will cause less chance of collisions by moving satellites that can not be saved out of the way of perfectly good ones.

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