Thursday, October 6, 2011


Imagine a huge asteroid is heading towards earth that could wipe out the human race. what would be your first thought of how to stop it? Ironically, technology would not be the issue because we have the technology to do so, but the biggest problem would be the human race coming together as one. We have many ways to prevent the asteroid from hitting earth and the main answer will be "Gravity Tractor." A "Gravity Tractor" is where NASA sends out a huge satellite and it will end up next to the asteroid and the gravitational pull from the satellite  will move the asteroid off course from hitting the earth. This could take up to a year to do but if it is to late to use this solution, this will cause us to shoot a nuclear missile at the asteroid. This could cause more harm because it could possibly break the huge asteroid into many pieces that could crash into earth. Well we have solutions to prevent an asteroid from hitting us, but humanity needs to come together as one first. We need to come to together because all of this technology is very expensive. The "Gravity Tractor" can cost from $500 million to $1 billion and that exceeds the U.S bank account. So another problem is when all of the nations put in money for this satellite or missile, who builds the missile or satellite? when we shoot the missile at the asteroid, where do we aim the missile at because it can influence more east or west. This huge asteroid isn't about if, it is about when because it is going to happen sometime no matter what, humanity just needs to come together as one to prevent an asteroid from destoying the human race.

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